Twitter - "Mute Notification" feature to keep away spammers

PARVEZ | Jul 26, 2017


Twitter App for Android a social networking media was founded in March 2006, used by millions of peoples. It have 319 million active users, according to the sources. Around 100 million users posted 340 millions tweets per day.Many of the users interacting with each other through the tweets and post. They get notification for the activity of the users which they follow and by which they followed and unknown users activity on there tweets and posts also.


With a view to overcoming from this feature Twitter App for Android launched a new feature in Twitter App. Twitter App for Android launched a mute notification feature by which any Twitter App for Android user get notification only from it's following and followed people. The Twitter Android App keeping the spammers away from it's users.



Twitter App for Android  maiking easier for it's users to get spammers and unwanted notifications at bay. To use this feature user have to goes in "Advance Filter Setting" and simply mute notifications of unawanted accounts that you don't follow which may be new accounts, accounts with a default profile photo, account without confirmed email address or account without confirmed phone number. IOS users would have to tap on the "Gear" icon in the notifications tab, followed by "Advance Filters" to reach the options.


Twitter App for Android is constantly introducing new features for it's users. Before Mute Notification feature it has introduced Automatic Night Mode Feature. It was for make to control the display and sound. User simply need to open the side baar by tapping on their profile image or swiping towards right from the main feed  and tap on the "Settings and Privacy" tab. Before this, few weeks ago Twitter App for Android had been launched a Twitter made cosmetic changes to its interface for web, Android and IOS Platform.From this new Mute Notification feature if a user wants to stop notification  for a particular conversation , user can choose to mute it. After muting that conversation user will not get any notification.



Twitters Vice President of poicy Colin Crowell POst a blog on june that  "Twitter is working hard to detect spammy behaviours,' including attempt to manipulate trending topics and reducing the visibility of potentially spammy tweets or accounts while twitter investigates whether a policy violation has occured". While the new Mute Notification feature wont eliminate the problems but they could reduce the problems caused by spammers. Twitter App for Android  has also change his harrasement reporting system so that user can now more easily report "hateful conduct", which the Twitter App for Android defines as behaviour "that targets people on the badsis of race, ethnicity, national, origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, agew, disability, or disease", accordindg to the sources.